Inspiration H03610-H04770

Inspiration H03610-H04770

  1. The digital display of colors is technically limited. Metallisé, pearl and some other colors can not be displayed. For binding information please order the corresponding color cards.
  2. Light colored colors are very suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  3. Conditionally lighted colors are very well suited for the indoor area, but in the outdoor area only after the UV extra color chart.
  4. Not lighted colors are only suitable for indoor use.

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not lighted
conditionally lighted
conditionally lighted
conditionally lighted
conditionally lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
conditionally lighted
conditionally lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
conditionally lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
conditionally lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted
not lighted