BRILASAT PU silk gloss enamel LH-03 mix full tone 1000ml RAL 6032

Product.Nr.: 03.Mix-Vollton-RAL-1000ml-120

CHF 42,90

  • weight 1 kg
  • RAL T-Base (Full tone): 6032

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product description

BRILASAT is a fast-drying and slightly thixotropic polyurethane alkyd enamel with very good processing properties such as flow, stability and open time. It produces extremely high-filling, impact-resistant coatings with high opacity and excellent edge coverage. For high-quality surface protection on interior and exterior wood and metal such as doors, windows, chairs, cabinets, furniture, railings, paneling, soffits, etc.

Delivery form
Standard color shades in packages of 6 kg, 2.5 liters as well as 750ml, 375ml and 125ml. Colors in COLORAMA-Mix tinting system in packages of 5 and 2.5 liters as well as 1000ml and 500ml.

12 standard RAL colors according to RAL color chart. The entire color shade variety (Knuchel-Inspiration, RAL, Colortrend-E, NCS, etc.) is available under the COLORAMA tinting system BRILA-MIX.

Further information